100 Stories From The Archive

100 Stories from the Archive cover

Edited by Janet Owen

This book is a fascinating collection of stories that highlight the range of material held by the HHS in its unique archive.

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A Brief History of the Bulletin

Front cover HHS Bulletin 60, 2019

The Bulletin first appeared in December 1973, only two and a half years after the Society was founded. It was a quarterly publication intended to reflect members’ research and lively …

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A Brief History of the Old Schoolhouse

The Old Schoolhouse

Erected in 1848 as Hornsey Infants’ School for St. Mary’s Parish, the Old Schoolhouse, designed by architect John Henry Taylor, is now the home of the Hornsey Historical Society. Although …

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Abyssinia: Hornsey’s Lost Village

Abyssinia: Hornsey's Lost Village

By Hugh Flouch

Unravel a Hornsey Mystery

Built up from the late 1860s, Abyssinia ‘village’ was a part of Hornsey Vale in Hornsey. Within a hundred years of being established, this mysterious little enclave had been completely demolished and replaced by the Hornsey School for Girls.

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Can you Crack the Code – Solution!

Reverse of Seven Sisters Rd Postcard with code

In June 2005 readers of the HHS newsletter were presented with a puzzle – a postcard from 1906 written in code.

Here is the solution presented in the following Newsletter, number 104, together with some members’ responses.

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Contributions Welcomed

Hornsey Historical Society Bulletin

We welcome contributions to the Bulletin from interested authors, who do not need to be members of the Society. Articles for inclusion should be concerned with Hornsey, its residents and …

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