Hornsey Village – A Walk is a completely revised and updated edition of Ken Gay’s earlier work is a 24-page pocket-size booklet. It contains 42 colour and 3 black and white images and a useful route map.

Book details
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: HHS (2014)
ISBN: 978-0905794525
RRP: £4.00 + p&p
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About the authors
Lesley has lived in Hornsey all her life. She is editor of the highly successful HHS quarterly Newsletter, and has taken many of the photographs which appear in three HHS Walks books.
Eleri Rowlands is a retired GP who has known Muswell Hill well for most of her life. She is HHS membership Secretary and a member of the HHS Archive Team. She has written several HHS Bulletin articles, plus three Walks books for HHS, for which she took many of the photographs.
The other books they have both written together are: Crouch End – Four Walks and Muswell Hill- Four Walks.