This booklet is a self guided walk around the church tower, the bell tower for the three successive parish churches and the only remaining building which has been conserved and watched over by the Friends of Hornsey Church Tower for the past 28 years.

Book details
Paperback: 10 pages
Publisher: Friends of Hornsey Church Tower (1993)
RRP: £1.50 + p&p
We aim to send out all items within 5-7 days, but as a small Society run entirely by volunteers turnaround times may sometimes vary.
About the author
Bridget Cherry is a Vice President of Hornsey Historical Society, founder member and former Conservation Officer. She is an architectural historian who worked for many years as author and editor of the Pevsner Architectural Guides. Bridget was also honorary secretary of the Friends of Hornsey Church Tower. She has written many articles and several books for HHS.