The Lost Rivers of London

Lost Rivers of London cover

by Nicholas Barton The thought of a ‘lost’ river running beneath a road or house provokes interest or consternation. Once a feature on the landscape, the streams are now symbols …

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Travels of a London Schoolboy

Travels of a London Schoolboy cover

John Pocock (Author), Marjorie Holder (Author), Tom Pocock (Editor)

This diary initially set in one of London’s most formative periods – the early 19th century, when developers were building what are now the inner suburbs. It ends in one of the Empire’s colonies, in which making a living was hazardous, but where there was opportunity for the bold and resilient.

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Westminster and Pimlico Past

Westminster and Pimlico Past cover

By Isobel Watson The development of Westminster’s hinterland and especially of Pimlico, built on waterlogged terrain, is of particular interest to anyone seeking London’s past. The story of Pimlico has …

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