The year 2023 saw signs of hope for the Society after some difficult years and Bulletin 65 contains an even wider variety of contributions than usual.

Particularly notable is that by the photographer Chandan Fraser, whose images of the sit-in of 1968 at Hornsey College of Art, accompanied by a short text by herself and Andrew Whitehead, document from an insider’s perspective, an event that drew national attention to Hornsey.
Buildings in our area provide the focus for three articles. Ray Rogers gives an account of the Hillcrest Estate in Highgate, a rare and complete example of a group of high rise blocks designed to fit a particular site, and of good post-war public housing. Roger Hancock and Kirsten Forrest describe the history of the Alexandra Palace Theatre, and its restoration and rebirth after a period of neglect. Alexandra Palace is also the site of the extraordinary event described by Pauline Green: the banquet held there in 1875 to mark the Battle of Balaclava, and make everyone forget what a disaster it had been.
The achievements of other local people are celebrated by Hugh Flouch, who writes about Robert Sherington, author of an early history of Hornsey, and John Hinshelwood, who documents the work of Victorian businessman Thomas Dench, who was largely responsible for developing the Ferme Park estate. Finally, Bulletin Editor Sandra Clark contributes an article about the appearances of Hornsey in literature, from the 17th century to the present day.
Free to members
The current issue of the Bulletin is free each year to all members. If you aren’t a member and would like to join you can find details on the membership page. As well as the Bulletin, members also receive our quarterly newsletters, free entry to all our monthly lectures and advanced invitations to all special events and outings when they restart.
Buy the Bulletin
Bulletin 65 can be purchased online by non-members for £12.00 +p&p.
We aim to send out all items within 5-7 days, but as a small Society run entirely by volunteers turnaround times may sometimes vary.
Write for the Bulletin
We welcome contributions to the Bulletin from interested authors, who do not need to be members of the Society. Articles for inclusion should be concerned with Hornsey, its residents and its history. A length of about 2-3000 words is suggested, but shorter pieces such as letters or reviews of books about local history can also be accepted.
All articles are read prior to acceptance by members of the Publications Committee, who may suggest revisions. Material should be sent by email attachment in Word format (not PDF) to the Editor, Professor Sandra Clark, who will be happy to deal with any questions about potential contributions. Illustrations are encouraged.