This book is about a “lost” Haringey mansion, Avenue House on Muswell Hill, the family who lived there and their connections and influence on the printing industry, and how the site became the present Rookfield estate.

The author, a descendant of the Clays, using new sources of information has given insight into the development of the neighbourhood. The book includes previously unpublished Victorian photographs and a memoir written by the author’s grandmother, Violet Clay.
Book details
Paperback: 80 pages
Publisher: HHS (2003)
ISBN: 090579433
RRP: £15.00
Sale price: £5.00 + p&p
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About the author
Malcolm Drummond is a descendant of the Clays. Avenue House was the childhood home of his grandmother, Edith Violet Clay. The account of her childhood memories was found amongst family papers and this spurred Malcolm to write the history of his family in Muswell Hill on what is now the Rookfield estate.