Android Magnification

To enable pinch to zoom on postcards and photographs in the galleries, you will need to enable your android device’s special magnification setting. Depending on the version of Android, this is usually in Settings under Accessibility. You then need to select Magnification.

Once enabled, if you tap your finger three times on the screen an orange border will open and pinch to zoom will function. To move the image drag two fingers.  To zoom even closer, hold one finger down on the image. To close the function, tap three times again.

Detailed Instructions

The detailed instructions below come from Google Android Support / Magnification.

Step 1: Turn on magnification

  1. Open your device’s Settings app Settings.
  2. Open Accessibility, then Magnification.
  3. Choose either Magnify with triple-tap or Magnify with button.
    • If you don’t see these options, you might be using an earlier version of Android. Turn on Magnification, then follow the steps below for magnify with triple-tap.

Step 2: Use magnification

Magnify with triple-tap

Zoom in and make everything bigger
  1. Triple-tap anywhere on the screen, except the keyboard or navigation bar.
  2. Now you can pan or adjust the zoom level:
    • To pan across the screen, drag two or more fingers.
    • To adjust the zoom level, pinch two or more fingers together or spread them apart.
  3. To zoom out, triple-tap the screen.
Temporarily magnify the screen
  1. Triple-tap and hold anywhere on the screen, except the keyboard or navigation bar.
  2. To move the magnified area, drag your finger across the screen.
  3. To stop magnifying, lift your finger.

Magnify with button

Zoom in and make everything bigger
  1. Tap Accessibility .
  2. Tap anywhere on the screen, except the keyboard or navigation bar.
  3. Now you can pan or adjust the zoom level:
    • To pan across the screen, drag two or more fingers.
    • To adjust the zoom level, pinch two or more fingers together or spread them apart.
  4. To zoom out, tap Accessibility .
Temporarily magnify the screen
  1. Tap Accessibility .
  2. Touch and hold anywhere on the screen, except the keyboard or navigation bar.
  3. To move the magnified area, drag your finger across the screen.
  4. To stop magnifying, lift your finger.


  • After you turn on magnification, single taps take slightly longer. This short delay lets your device find out if your tap is part of a triple-tap.
  • If you open or close an app when zoomed in, you automatically zoom out. To zoom in again, simply triple-tap.