A selection of articles about Alexandra Palace during the First World War.

HHS articles
Bulletin 49, 2008, ‘Pictures from the Palace’ (George Kenner’s paintings during Internment 1915 – 16) by Nick McCormick
Bulletin 58, 2017, ‘Music in Alexandra Palace Internment Camp’ by Patrick Hegarty-Morrish
Bulletin 59, 2018, ‘Historic Finds at Alexandra Palace’ by Kirsten Forrest
Also, Nick Allaway has written a series of articles entitled ‘Hornsey at War’ Parts 1 – 4 in Bulletins 55 – 59, 2014 – 2018, plus his article, ‘Hornsey after the Great War’, in Bulletin 60, 2019. These articles refer to events at the Palace as well as providing a wealth of information of how the war affected Hornsey. Please see our Bulletin catalogue and how to order copies of these or any of our publications.
HHS book
Palace on the Hill A History of Alexandra Palace by Ken Gay, Hornsey Historical Society, 2005
Books by other publishers
Alexandra Palace A Hidden History by Janet Harris, Tempus, 2005
Alexandra Park & Palace A History by Ron Carrington, Greater London Council, 1975 (out of print)