HHS Bulletin 61 is full of varied articles ranging from the mid-seventeenth century to the present day.
The issue includes Katy Ferguson on that wonderful local resource, the Park Road Lido, and David Pashley and Steven Wright, who have in very different ways explored the history of the roads in which they live, Mount View and Ferrestone.

There is in fact a fourth contributor, but one no longer alive: Mr G. J. Richards, whose story of his long life and work at the now-defunct Barratt’s sweet factory in Wood Green was presented to the HHS in a hand-written manuscript by his son. This very personal (and very long) account has been edited down to manageable proportions.
Our material represents a good chronological spread: from the mid-seventeenth century, in the article by our president, Peter Barber, about the fortunes of the wooden figures on the newel posts in Cromwell House, Highgate, to the nineteenth century in David Winskill’s history of the Freemans, a very well-known North London baking family, up to the present day, in the account by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg of the shops on Turnpike Lane.
Shorter pieces
Keith Fawkes contributes two short pieces, on the short-lived Highgate Model Yacht Club, and the association of Gracie Fields and her husband Archie Pitt with Alexandra Palace. The contents of this Bulletin are completed by David Winskill’s book reviews and an appreciation of Vic McRae, a loyal and long-standing member of the HHS, who died in October 2018.
Free to members
The current issue of the Bulletin is free each year to all members. If you aren’t a member and would like to join you can find details on the membership page. As well as the Bulletin, members also receive our quarterly newsletters, free entry to all our monthly lectures and advanced invitations to all special events and outings when they restart.
Buy the Bulletin
Bulletin 61 can be purchased online by non-members for £6.50 +p&p.
We aim to send out all items within 5-7 days, but as a small Society run entirely by volunteers turnaround times may sometimes vary.
Write for the Bulletin
We welcome contributions to the Bulletin from interested authors, who do not need to be members of the Society. Articles for inclusion should be concerned with Hornsey, its residents and its history. A length of about 2-3000 words is suggested, but shorter pieces such as letters or reviews of books about local history can also be accepted.
All articles are read prior to acceptance by members of the Publications Committee, who may suggest revisions. Material should be sent by email attachment in Word format (not PDF) to the Editor, Professor Sandra Clark, who will be happy to deal with any questions about potential contributions. Illustrations are encouraged.